New Year Resolutions for Mental Wellbeing

After an enjoyable festive break, it’s the perfect time to start fresh for the new year and we’re sure you already have some resolutions lined up to kick off 2022. Maybe you’ll sign up for the gym, explore a new career path, spend more time with the family or simply cut down on junk food.

How about we help you focus on your mental health instead? An improved mental health will allow you to have a clearer view of your goals and ambitions, with the motivation to actually work towards achieving them. No wonder most New Year Resolutions end up in the drain in just a couple of months. Below are our suggested resolutions to work on your mental health, one step a day, to enjoy a happier and more fulfilled life.

Focus on self-care

List down some self-care activities that make you happy and work towards making them part of your routine. This could be therapy sessions, a 30-minute workout, a peaceful walk in the park or some quality time with your loved ones over a cup of tea. The idea is to ease into it, and work at a pace that is suitable for you.

Be Kind To Yourself

Here should be your top 3 priorities in life:

  • You
  • You
  • You … get the point

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Appreciate the fact that you are only human. You are allowed to learn from your mistakes, and to make mistakes in the first place. Not every mistake needs to lead to you questioning yourself and your unique abilities. Allow yourself to forgive yourself. You’re here and you’re trying your best, that’s what counts. At the end of the day, no matter what, baby you’re a firework!

Sleep well

Good sleep goes a long way towards better mental health. Studies show that almost 65% - 90% of people going through depression always have sleeping problems as well. Your body needs its time to recharge after a long day and depriving yourself of that does come at a cost. No matter what you do towards improving your mental health, it won’t do much good if a quality sleep is not part of the plan. Starting 2022, try sleeping a bit early and let your body get the rest it deserves.

Limit your screen time

Too much time on screens can affect your sleep, your relationships with your loved ones and even bring feelings of anxiety and depression. Understand and consciously evaluate how much time you spend on screens and try to reduce it to prioritize your mental health. If your job requires you to spend the day in front of a screen, make a habit of taking regular breaks to refresh your eyes. Use anti-glare covers on your screens to limit the impact of UV light entering your eyes. Use social media in a positive way and don’t let everyone going on “vacations” get to your head.

Learn more about mental health

One of the best ways to improve your mental health is to understand mental health. Consult your therapist, read books about mental health and research from multiple sources. Get a thorough understanding of why people feel what they feel, and how experts in the field advise you to address any negative thoughts. This trains your brain to subconsciously compartmentalize your thoughts so you can address them as and when you experience them. Make mental health a topic of discussion among friends and family and encourage others to speak about their struggles. Encourage yourself to speak about your struggles and you will be surprised to discover the amount of support you have around yourself.

Pair your resolutions with a nice cup of tea

Being an integral part of so many cultures worldwide, tea has been known to help people relax and rest better. With a busy routine filled with work, family, friends and now resolutions, you are bound to feel the need to take a break, kick back and relax before you figure out your next move. Relax yourself by clearing your mind of any thoughts, brew a hot cup of tea and feel the exhaustion slip away with every sip. Feel Good Tea’s fantastic collection of unique and exotic flavors allows you to choose a tea that suits your lifestyle best. Whether your goal is to improve the quality of your sleep, focus better, meditate or just try a different tea flavor every time, we have something for you. Check out our amazing choices at